Problems Your Otorhinolaryngologist Can Treat

The study and treatment of all the problems of the ears, nose and throat come under Otolaryngology. It is among the oldest medical specialties and several kinds of medical and surgical treatments and management of patients fall under this one field of medical practice. Your local Otorhinolaryngology expert in South Wing will look after the wellbeing of patients with diseases and disorders of ENT, i.e. the ear, nose and throat and related structures of your head and neck, hence the name “ENT specialist.” Following are the various health conditions that your local Otolaryngologist is going to treat:


Hearing loss is very common in Americans and it affects one in every ten North Americans to be exact. Your local otolaryngologist can treat many disorders of the ear and can get rid of problems related to hearing, ear infections, and even balance disorders, and ear noise (tinnitus). If you have nerve pain, and/ or facial and cranial nerve disorders, you can visit your local Otolaryngologists right now.


Do you know that close to 35 million people develop chronic sinusitis every year? Yes, this is a rather huge number and this makes it one of the most common health problems in America. You need to get to your Otorhinolaryngology clinic in Brasilia and get your nasal cavity and sinuses taken care of. These are one of the primary skills of otolaryngologists. Remember, management of the nasal area to ward off any allergies and problems of smell is very important.


If you have trouble with your throat, you can even have problems in communicating and even eating or drinking. Your Otorhinolaryngology expert in South Wing will also help you manage diseases of the larynx (voice box) and your upper aero-digestive tract including voice and swallowing disorders as well.

You Will Need To See An ENT Specialist If You Suffer From The Following Health Problems:

  •                       In case you have suffered an injury to your ears, nose, or throat
  •                       If you have any kind of nerve problems in your ears, nose, or throat
  •                       Do you have any balance problems?
  •                       If you complain of dizziness
  •                       Hearing impairment
  •                       If you have an ear infection
  •                       When you have a tonsil or adenoid infection
  •                       If you complain of swimmer’s ear
  •                       In case you have pain in your ears, nose, or throat
  •                       Tinnitus
  •                       Birth defects of the ear, nose, or throat
  •                       Breathing problems
  •                       If you suffer from down’s syndrome
  •                       Asthma and any kind of allergies or sinus problem
  •                       If you have some kind of abnormal growth and /or tumor in your nose, ears, or throat
  •                       Deviated septum or deformed nasal cavity
  •                       Unappealing appearance of nose or face
  •                       Cleft palate
  •                       Droopy eyelids
  •                       When you suffer from hair loss
  •                       If you complain of nose bleeds and / or nasal congestion
  •                       If you have problems with smell
  •                       Voice related or swallowing problems
  •                       Perpetual sore throat
  •                       Hoarseness

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